To start with I did a shoot with Waisted Creations and her stunning corsets. The photographer was Darkslide photography and in all I am quite happy with the result of the photos. Of these I have a few back and they are as proceeds this paragraph. I will be working with both of them again in the near future and I'm thoroughly looking forward to it. There are more from the afore named shoot coming also and these will be posted in due time.
I modelled a rather pretty silver elven style corset that closed under the legs, the fastenings were silver swing hooks and it was adorned with white beaded lace. A gorgeous piece. Photos are copyright to Darkslide photography
The other corset I modelled was a lovely blue hourglass with hand painted Tengwar (Elvish) script around the waistline. It has a lovely shape and was super comfy.

So there we go ^^ more coming soon. If you get a chance order a corset from this rather amazing lady. You won't regret it.
Onto another shoot I did some promo shots for my burlesque and for a friends coursework. This are really nice and I'm glad to have them. I will post these up later in the week.
Also I have done a shoot with Yendor again ^^ it has been too long. More edits from the previous steampunk shoot coming to so stayed tuned