Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Hair Shows 2012

In the last week I have taken part in two separate hair shows, one for my sister (in which my partner and also my close friend Velvet Von Black also took part) and another for my 'evil twin' Corey.

Its been hectic, finishing off costumes and hair pieces but in the end both really came together and I would like to thank everyone involved for helping out and making them such a huge success.

The Coventry City Hair show which my sister did is being published in the Coventry Telegraph which is a great honour. I hope my little sis does well and goes onto uni this september.

It was a mythical based show, Myself being a Unicorn, Cai - Dragon and Velvet - Medusa.

Everyone looked amazing.

Corey's hair show was more of a competition with only one model per hair-dresser... for which I was obviously the only model for Corey. We went for a futuristic/cyber style avant garde look. The hair look very unique and it was great fun to do.

Corey didn't win but that was besides the point. It was fun and another show/catwalk to add to my modelling CV.

Photos of both are coming soon!