Monday, 27 June 2011

Return to work

Wow bloody hot weather... not good for me :( lots of suncream, my parasol and vitamin D tablets, I don't want to get a rash. Especially now that I have a fair few shoots booked, I am really looking forward to them to. Lots of updates to come, This week I have a shoot with one of my Regular Togs, Yendor... the shoot sounds fun and will be back to our fetishy selves (though the evil chocoholic bunny for easter was fun to do haha)

Along with this I have some fashion/fantasy shoots with some other togs nearby, also a illustration style shoot again.

Also by special request from another model (being Icarus) I have a duo steampunk shoot arranged with the ever talented Yendor.

This is only the beginning, I have a lot more up my sleeve ^^ results are still to come from the cyber shoot I did with Sintarith Photos and the glamour/artistic nude with Fire and Ice.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Return to Candyland

So yes, I promised before that I would post the professional images from the hair show, and I received them so here they are.

After the show I got attacked by a tog as seen here, he was looking for Corey to but he had ran outside for a smoke, don't blame him

Also I have something extra, here is our act that I have clipped from the show, please bear in mind that only myself and Corey (Willy Wonka) are proffesional models, I am really proud of everyone, our act didn't get any chance to rehearse or meet up beforehand except myself and Corey and Racheal so it was completely improvised on the spot. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Hair show - 13th June 2011

My sister, at coventry city college had to arrange a short catwalk piece for her final assessment. As did all of the other hair dressing level three students and so it was turned into a big hair show with dancers and everything. They even had the local press there so any images of our group that appears in the papers etc will be posted here to.

On the whole it ran very smoothly though I do have to remark that on the tutor's part they did not handle it either proffesionally or efficently, I edited the song for our catwalk and they destroyed it, made it shorter and further more, every other group got to rehearse except ours. Thankfully myself and one of our other models, Corey had done catwalks before and so knew what to do (we were the only proffesional models in the entire show)... we hadn't even heard how the college had changed our music until we were on stage.... the college did mess with anyone else's and their acts were much longer.. nevermind.. we stuck out quite a bit. Note... our act was 'Candy'

So after me and corey staying up all night finishing sewing the costumes and props together it went really well and I want to thank all our models, on behalf of my sister for doing so well and overcoming all their stage nerves and fright and doing such a fantastic job.. you all look and acted amazing.

We are uploading a video of the entire show... including our act and I will post it on here.. in the mean time here is some backstage shots of our group. Note that the first image here also has the Original song that we were going to use (before they cut it down)

 Five out of six of our group ... ie 4/5 models and my sister. Left to right we have Willy wonka - ie corey. Lollipop - Racheal. My sister ^^ who created the act and the hair stylist .. though I made my own wig anyway haha. Sweets and candy - Amy. Candyfloss - Myself

 This is our other model and portraying Chocolate - Jodie... she did a great job considering she hadn't been able to make any rehearsals and had to improvise her bit.. well done.

And here is us all backstage with the song included...

I think I will use the outfit for a burlesque act, it is just so cute and pink oddly suits me... so yea. Will be posting video and more images from the show soon.

Fire and Ice

I have done a lot of work with this young Photographer, usually artistic nude but he is very talented for one his age. The photos are great quality with no photoshopping or very little.. ie editing the contrast of the lighting when needed. .. no not much at all which is what makes him unique. Notions are different unique and creative with a nice touch of realism.

I have enjoyed working with him over the last few years and we sadly did our last shoot working together on Friday 10th June for a while as he is alas finished uni and may be moving but thats not the end at all... I think we will work together again once everything has settled down, I sure hope so. Results of this shoot are on their way will be posted when I receive them

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Up and Coming

Okay so the modelling front has been a bit quiet due to other work and exams coming up.. bleh but I do have some fetish stuff in the next few weeks. A Hair show at Coventry city college ^^ this should be fun so images and video footage of that is to come this takes place on Monday 13th June. Also I have some images from a cyber-goth photoshoot that I am waiting on.

Thats not all... I have some Burlesque photoshoots and also some more lingerie and artistic fashion work.. so hopefully should be interesting. and I will keep everything updated as previously promised.

I am always looking for more work also, perhaps something to do with my fire/glow poi.... we shall see

Friday, 3 June 2011

Not all gold and glamour ... Safety First!!

To take this free time I have and not write something would be silly.. I have a few shoots booked in the next few weeks including a book that I am doing in Switzerland... looking forward to that. But I am going to address a few safety issues I have always been aware of through common sense but then some people can't see things the way I do... its not always at the forethought of ones mind.

When it comes to shoots... make sure that if you do any the tog is reputable... don't want to do anything you might regret this is very important if you do work like I do.. ie BDSM, S&M, Fetish and Nude work... sometimes especially as I do a lot of suspension work which means that I have to be able to trust the rigger and the photographer as half the time I am tied up and or gaged. Anything could happen, remember that. Always look at reviews!!!

Also note that the photographer holds copyright of the images unless stated in the model release form... take note of these and read them carefully. If you decide that you did a shoot you regret.. ie artistic nude or adult and you want the images removed you could ask the tog NICELY but then there is a chance that he will say tough... put the images up anyway and you can't do anything about it.

Please be careful, especially on shoots, take a chaperone with you if you need to but ask the photographer first and never take your boyfriend... they can get angry and violent. If they do any physical damage to the equipment or the photographer you are both liable and you may find your reputation is somewhat depleted afterwards. Take consideration for the photographers, don't mess them around. I hate no shows without a reason and so do they... only sign up for a shoot if you intend to go and don't back out without letting the tog no a good week or in the least few days beforehand. Not the day of the shoot when you are supposed to be at the studio! I understand that emergencies happen and I have had to last minute cancel due to this, always be polite when explaining your circumstances...they may understand and they may not.

Key words.. be careful and check references well before using a photographer, talk to other people who have worked with them if need be. Research is the key to safety here.